Welcome to Café Mam
Café Mam (say ‘mom’) is a family-owned and operated coffee company based in Eugene, Oregon. Our roots grow deep in organic agriculture, and our foundation is built on principles of ethical sourcing, sustainability, environmentalism, cultural identity, human dignity, and of course, high-quality, freshly roasted coffee.
Organic, Fair Trade, Shade-Grown Coffee

Café Mam donates 2% of sales (over $1.4 million donated since our inception) to nonprofit organizations dedicated to organic agriculture, social justice, and environmental reform.

Our Climate Change Mitigation Fund pays an additional 10¢ premium for each pound of coffee to combat challenges of climate change in indigenous communities - now totaling over $232,100.

Café Mam supports the small-producer cooperative movement. We are proud to be the first US company to be SPP certified. SPP is a farmer-driven democratic initiative taking fair trade coffee to the next level.